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Setting Up Tailwind CSS with Theme Files and Images in Vue.js


What is Tailwind CSS?

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes styling easier by offering pre-built utility classes. These classes let developers quickly create responsive and modern designs. When used with Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, it provides an efficient setup for building complex web apps. This guide will show you how to set up Tailwind CSS in a Vue.js project, create theme files for customization, and manage images properly.

Step 1: Setting Up a Vue.js Project

Before starting, ensure that Node.js and npm are installed on your system.

Using Vue CLI

  1. Install Vue CLI globally:
    npm install -g @vue/cli

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  2. Create a new project:
    vue create my-vue-tailwind-css-project

    Img 2

  3. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd my-vue-tailwind-css-project

    Img 3

Step 2: Installing Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS must be added to your project, along with its dependencies.

  1. Install Tailwind CSS, PostCSS, and Autoprefixer:
    npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer

    Img 4
    Note: PostCSS is a tool that uses plugins to optimize and improve CSS styles, whereas Autoprefixer inserts browser-specific prefixes to ensure compatibility with older browsers. Tailwind CSS makes advantage of both to ensure seamless development and cross-browser support.

  2. Initialize Tailwind CSS:
    npx tailwindcss init

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    Note: This command generates a tailwind.config.js file for configuration.

Step 3: Configuring Tailwind CSS

To make Tailwind CSS functional in your project:

  1. Open tailwind.config.js and specify the files Tailwind should scan for class names:
    //Path: tailwind.config.js
    /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
    module.exports = {
      content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
      theme: {
        extend: {
      plugins: [],
  2. Create a Tailwind CSS file (e.g., src/assets/tailwind.css) and include Tailwind’s base, component, and utility styles:
    //Path: tailwind.css
    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
  3. Import this CSS file in your main JavaScript file (main.js or main.ts):
    //Path: main.js
    { createApp } from 'vue'
    import App from './App.vue'
    import './assets/tailwind.css';

Step 4: Adding Theme Files for Customization

A key feature of Tailwind CSS is its ability to extend the default design system with custom themes.

Customize Colors and Fonts

Modify tailwind.config.js to define your brand-specific colors and fonts:

//Path: tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        primary: '#1D4ED8',  // Primary color
        secondary: '#9333EA', // Secondary color
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['Inter', 'sans-serif'], // Custom font
      backgroundImage: {
        'hero-pattern': "url('@/assets/Background_image.png')",
  plugins: [],

Usage in Vue Components

Use the defined classes directly in your components:

//Path: HelloWorld.vue
  <div class="bg-black text-white font-sans p-4">
    Welcome to Tailwind CSS in Vue Js Project!

export default{
  name: 'HelloWorld'


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Step 5: Managing Images in Vue.js

Most web apps include images. Proper handling guarantees improved performance and maintainability.

Adding Images

Place all your images in the src/assets directory.

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Using Images in Vue Templates

Reference images using relative paths:

//Path: HelloWorld.vue
    <!-- Welcome section -->
    <div class="bg-black text-white font-sans p-4">
      Welcome to Tailwind CSS in Vue.js Project!

    <!-- Image section with a centered image -->
    <div class="p-4">
      <img :src="require('@/assets/Background_image.png')" alt="Background Image" class="rounded-lg shadow-lg w-full max-w-[600px] mx-auto" />

export default {
  name: 'HelloWorld',

<style scoped>
/* Optional: Styling for the image */
img {
  width: 100%;
  max-width: 600px;


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Using Images as Backgrounds

To use images as background properties, update tailwind.config.js:

// Path: tailwind.config.js
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
  content: ['./index.html', './src/**/*.{vue,js,ts,jsx,tsx}'],
  theme: {
    extend: {
      colors: {
        secondary: '#9333EA', // Custom secondary color
      fontFamily: {
        sans: ['Inter', 'sans-serif'], // Custom sans-serif font
      backgroundImage: {
        'hero-pattern': "url('@/assets/logo.jpg')", // Set custom background image
  plugins: [],

Apply the custom background in your component:

// Path: HelloWorld.vue
    <!-- First div with background color and styling -->
    <div class="bg-indigo-500 text-white font-sans p-4">
      Welcome to Tailwind CSS in Vue.js Project!

    <!-- Second div with the custom background image applied -->
    <div class="bg-hero-pattern bg-contain bg-center bg-no-repeat h-64 w-full">
      <!-- Content for this section (if any) can go here -->

export default {
  name: "HelloWorld",

<style scoped>
/* The background image is already applied via Tailwind's bg-hero-pattern class.
   No need to redefine it here. If you want additional styles, add them below. */

/* Optional styles for the section could go here. */


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Tailwind CSS and Vue.js are an effective mix for creating modern, responsive, and maintainable applications. You can develop visually attractive UIs tailored to the needs of your project by configuring a custom theme and effectively managing pictures.

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